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Writer's Zone


My dear children,
           I am your mother earth writing this letter to let you know that all our lives are in danger. This letter comes to forewarn you and provide an insight of global warming that we hear often these days. But my dear children, I am regretful to convey that you ignore my trepidation in your busy chores. Don't you think, it is your duty to save me from hazardous constraints so that you can perspire in a healthy and safe environment?

We are living in the era where money steals its utmost importance so pondering towards land, water, food and air we breathe becomes an indispensable one.
           We are living in the era where money steals its utmost importance so pondering towards land, water, food and air we breathe becomes an indispensable one. You are living in a polluted environment which will soon kill you and other living species, thereby making this earth a formidable place for future descendants. One day this earth will be ruined if you continue to contaminate it. It is disheartening to see my children on earth devouring all living and non-living things for one's own greed. So, join hands with me dear children, we can together play a momentous role to bail out this planet from adversity. Your mother earth is here to assist you every month through letters on conserving the natural habitation that God bestowed to us. Children, with my words we can beget our planet green and better place to dwell in this world.
            Let us start this New Year 2016 with few information from your Mother Earth to save nature. This month we will begin with the importance of water. Clean and safe drinking water is scare. Today nearly one billion people in developing world don’t get enough water to drink. Yet we take it for granted, we waste and pay too much to drink it from little plastic bottle. Lack of water causes diseases, malnourishment, crop failure and billions of rupees in damage to the environment.
          Water is foundation of life but still many people are searching for it all around. My dear children now I hope that you understand the accent of water and why we need to conserve it. Next month we shall see how to preserve water.

Yours lovingly,
Mother Earth.

Discover the inner potentials of children to the fore and encourage them to be thoughtful.